When searching for the best personal loan options for credit card debt consolidation, it is important to consider factors such as interest rates, loan terms, fees, and eligibility requirements. Some of the top personal loan options for debt consolidation include:
- SoFi: SoFi offers personal loans with competitive interest rates and no fees, making it a popular choice for debt consolidation. The loan terms range from two to seven years, and borrowers can receive loan amounts up to $100,000.
- Marcus by Goldman Sachs: Marcus by Goldman Sachs offers personal loans with fixed interest rates and no fees, making it a straightforward option for debt consolidation. The loan terms range from three to six years, and borrowers can receive loan amounts up to $40,000.
- LightStream: LightStream offers personal loans with low interest rates and no fees, making it an attractive option for borrowers with good credit. The loan terms range from two to seven years, and borrowers can receive loan amounts up to $100,000.
- Discover: Discover offers personal loans with fixed interest rates and no fees, making it a transparent option for debt consolidation. The loan terms range from three to seven years, and borrowers can receive loan amounts up to $35,000.